Thursday, April 9, 2020



The establishment of any product or brand in the market is never easy and is usually marred with huddles in many forms. One of the most common challenges facing products, especially those in the food and drugs industry, is related to legal problems. Tackling the legalities surrounding any product requires openness, research, and well-documented studies and showing proof of adhering to the laid-out laws within particular jurisdictions. The legal questions staged against several diet supplements relates to their ingredients, with some of the product having a highly stimulant content with other unknown and unproven ingredients. Product manufactures should endeavor to highlight to the public through open channels of their product’s content to eliminate doubts and any other legal questions that may arise.

Lipozene, like any other diet supplement focusing on weight reduction, has had its fair share of challenges in regards to lawsuits filed against the product. The company behind the brand Lipozene has openly laid out the facts in defense of their product, indicating the efficacy and mode of action of Lipozene. This feature highlights some of the lawsuits previously or currently filled against the diet supplement product Lipozene across the globe and the outcomes, if any.

What is Lipozene?

Before venturing into the lawsuits filled against Lipozene, we must understand what the entire product is about. It is vital to know the main ingredient of the product, the mode of action, and side effects if there are any.

According to The Hub Post, Lipozene is a diet supplement with the primary ingredient glucomannan fiber. Glucomannan is an extract of the konjac plant roots, otherwise known as the elephant yam. Glucomannan is a natural product, in use around the world as a food additive for years now. The use of a natural product makes Lipozene a safer diet supplement as compared to the other available products in the market. Other ingredients in Lipozene include gelatin, stearic acid, and magnesium silicate. Glucomannan is a renowned super water-absorbent agent, which lays the foundation on the mode of action of Lipozene. By absorbing water from the meal taken, you will feel full, reducing the urge to take in more food, thereby leading to weight loss.

The side effects of Lipozene include abdominal discomfort, loose stools, and nausea.

Lipozene has other documented health benefits that include prevention of constipation and in reducing the risks of diseases like heart conditions.

Lawsuits filed against Lipozene

A case filled in the Superior Court for the state of California, San Diego County, Duran vs. Obesity Research Institute LLC, et al., No. 37-2013-00048664-CU-BT-CTL, instituted in 2011, was against Lipozene. The argument in the filled case was on the efficacy of Lipozene as a product, with claims that it was not as effective as previously purported.

The class members who featured in the case file included those that purchased the product between August 2012 and October 2013. The main argument in the case was on the advertisement staged by the manufacturer of the Lipozene product, with the claims of its ability to get rid of excess fat.
The class action against Lipozene contended that the product was not as effective as advertised, and was not as effective as expected. The proponents of the case argued that the main ingredient in Lipozene, Glucomannan, was not easily absorbed into the body, thereby becoming a danger to the user’s health.

The outcome of the lawsuit

The defendants in this lawsuit, Lipozene, and its affiliate companies, did not admit or deny any wrongdoing and agreed on a settlement of 4.6 million dollars to end the weight loss charges filed against the firm. The company also came into an agreement of changing their marketing strategy in regards to the advertisement of the efficacy and mode of action of their product henceforth. The class members in the suit were entitled to a share of the released amount by the Lipozene firm.

It is also important to highlight that Lipozene manufactures committed to being upfront and straightforward henceforth in their marketing of the product. While the effectiveness of the product remains debatable in regards to the filed case, many people still come forward to vouch for the efficacy of the product.


The lawsuit staged against Lipozene questions their marketing strategy and the effectiveness of their product. The case was heard in the Superior Court in California, and an agreement between the claimants and the company reached.  The Lipozene firm endeavors to continue helping those with weight-loss challenges, and being upfront and straightforward in their marketing strategies going forward.

Author: verified_user