Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Hearing Deficiency At Childhood Stage: How To Deal With It?


 Hearing loss is usually seen at the early stage of childhood, while some are caused by accident. Most people who have encountered this hearing condition problem have the feeling of loss of confidence, while others isolate themselves because they feel different. 

But, this hearing condition should not lead anyone to lose hope. Still, there are ways to address the hearing deficiency conditions by engaging in learning for hearing impaired children, a specialized program to support these individuals.

Hearing impairment doesn't mean completely deaf, in fact, there is some level of hearing impairment that you need to learn and understand.

Definition of hearing impairment

Hearing impairment means impairment in hearing that can be fluctuating or permanent. It can affect the educational performance of the child. So, it is essential to pay attention to your child if you notice that there's a problem with their sense of hearing to address it early. There are types of hearing loss, including:

  • sensorineural (nerve-related)
  • conductive (affects the outer or middle ear) 
  • mixed hearing loss (mixture of the two types above)

Some people who use sign language prefer to get referred to as deaf rather than with a hard-hearing condition. They consider it as a positive identity than a negative label. People with hearing loss are either:

1.      Pre-lingually deafened. Loss of hearing before they acquired language.

2.      Post-lingually deafened. Loss of hearing acquired after acquired language.

Both groups vary in the degree of deafness and the impact of hearing loss. Some people with pre-lingually deafness use sign language. While many had received cochlear implants at birth. Others communicate with a combination of sign language and spoken language.

Some have literacy and language development. However, some have problems with literacy. It changes greatly. So, it is essential to understand every individual's needs.

All these should be considered to assess the types of reasonable adjustments. People with post-lingual hearing loss have acquired their hearing loss in later life. Although they can't benefit from listening devices, still, they can learn sign language as their means of communication. While people with pre-lingually deafened is essential to assess the needs of every individual before executing any suitable adjustments.

Levels of hearing impairment

There are four levels of hearing impairment or hearing loss, namely:

1.      Moderate

2.      Moderately severe

3.      Severe

4.      Profound

If the child has a hearing loss problem, which level or degree might it belong? Helping them deal with their hearing condition, and understanding the levels of hearing impairment gives you the idea of which assessment your child needs.

Keep in mind that each individual has different levels of hearing impairment. So, it is essential to consult your child with a doctor before you join any program. But, if you are joining a program assessing hearing impairment individuals, then this can be a wise decision to make.


Author: verified_user