Tuesday, December 22, 2020

6 Murder Mystery Game Ideas for Your Evening with Friends


Are you one of those people who think that the dinner parties with your friends often turn in a different way than expected? This is because there are lots of different people who don’t know how to lead a calm conversation. They need guidance to have fun.

This is why it’s smart to organize a murder mystery game that will be an amazing way to spend time with them, have fun, and see no one argue about meaningless things. What happens if you have no murder mystery game idea, or everything seems dull?

Tons of different ideas go in your way online. You can have fun in so many ways. All you need to do is prepare a great scenario and enjoy the rest of the evening. In this article, we’re going to share a couple of ideas that might help organize the perfect evening. Follow up and learn more about these ideas!

Where to find these games?

Even though most of these games are available for a particular amount, there are lots of them that are free. On top of this, if you like it, you can create one on your own.

It takes quite some research and in-depth analyzing the characters, but if you’re really dedicated and talented, it will be amazingly fun to do it alone. If you don’t like spending time on it, just go on the internet and search for some of the many options you have available.

Here are some of our favorites:

1. The little Engine that could kill

This one’s a classic. It’s about a train ride from Portugal to India in which 8 players should figure out who killed a passenger on the train. Every player receives an in-depth personality character that should use while playing, while the others try to figure out who the imposter is.

It’s an amazingly well-though game that will keep you entertained and focused for hours. Of course, unless someone is extremely good at it and figure out who did until you reach Spain.

2. Jazz Age Jeopardy

This one is set in the 1920s. It’s located in a New York Jazz club in which the players are going to try to figure out who murdered a person inside the club. It’s suitable for up to 15 people, so you can invite a lot of friends.

It is also well designed and everything’s detailed. There are introduction, storyline, character sheets, clue cards, voting sheets, and other stuff. See more about how the New York Jazz scene looked like in the 20s here.

3. The Movie Mystery Murder

In the Movie Mystery Murder, the director of the film in production is being killed at the end of the final scene. Just as the movie was finished, the director dies. The players should find out who did it. It’s more of a quest for finding out who did it, rather than pointing fingers toward one person.

The kit goes with instructions, player character details, scavenger hunt items, and so on. When you do it, there are even ideas of how to reward the player that wins.

4. Murder at the Manor

A classic in the murder games. You’re invited to the party of Lord Heathcliff, where the party is for up to 20 guests. The list of four to six suspects should be solved by the guests.

The storyline is revolved around the lord hosting the party. He was recently married and he wanted to share the happiness with some friends. However, before the joy of the marriage hits him, he is struck dead. Who did is your job to find out.

5. A very Merry Christmas Murder

For those who like hanging around the Christmas tree, this one will give them a true experience doing it. It’s about a murder that is done on Christmas Eve in which a person who trades with Christmas trees is found hanging on one of his gigantic trees.

It’s played with 8 players. They all have their own names and personalities. There’s a storyline, question menus, murder cards, and even an audio CD.

6. Murder on Starship Deathstation

How about this futuristic one? It’s a game made for up to 12 guests who are going to try and find out who murdered the engineer Snotty. The characters are made from people running the starship, and the killed person is the engineer who tried to sell blueprints of the spaceship.

There are 12 invitations for costume suggestions if you want to spice things up. The kit also features the regular things, like who did it cards, question menus, and so on.

How to make your own themed party?

The entire fun and enjoyment in it is the suspense. The tension is a crucial part of the game. To create this tension, you need to make sure that no one knows who the killer is, except for the killer, of course.

This character at the same time, just like in real life, doesn’t want to be discovered and put to jail. So he or she is going to try to keep undercover for as long as possible.

If you don’t like placing some of the guys be the murdered, then you can unite everyone in the quest. All you need to do is set up a cool storyline that might be something connected to your friendship. For example, if you’re colleagues from work, set the location at the office, and try to find out who killed the janitor.

Feel free to use the ideas from other cool games. Copy the card ideas, and be flexible with the number of characters if you don’t know how many people are going to come to your dinner. See more about this on the link: https://www.instructables.com/A-Beginners-Guide-to-Throwing-a-Murder-Mystery-Par/.


These six ideas are always popular. It’s great to play this type of game, but it needs to be well-thought. If you don’t feel capable of designing your own, then go ahead and search for one that you like on the internet.


Author: verified_user